Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida?

Posted on 03/14/23

in Car Accidents

Lane splitting and lane sharing are often confused with each other. It’s important for drivers to know the law regarding these activities; specifically that these activities are illegal under Georgia law, and those who engage in them can be held liable for any damages incurred as a result. If you were involved in an accident…

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Understanding Sideswipe Collisions

Posted on 02/24/23

in Car Accidents

Sideswipe collisions are a common type of car accident that can have severe consequences for those involved. These accidents occur when two vehicles collide along the side and can happen anywhere, from highways to city streets or even in parking lots.  The aftermath can be confusing and overwhelming for those involved in a sideswipe collision….

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Dram Shop Laws & Liability in Georgia

Alcohol-related accidents or injuries can be especially difficult to navigate. This is why there are dram shop laws in place to protect people who have been injured by someone who was served alcohol at a bar, restaurant, alcohol retailer, or even a private party. The Savannah personal injury lawyers emphasize the importance of understanding how…

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Common Signs of Truck Driver Fatigue to Be Aware Of

Posted on 10/15/22

in Car Accidents

Truck drivers have a lot of responsibility when behind the wheel and need to be alert at all times. Unfortunately, truck driver fatigue is a real problem and can lead to serious accidents. If you’ve been in an accident with a truck, there are certain signs that indicate the driver may have been fatigued.  Signs…

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What are the most Dangerous Times to Drive in Georgia?

Posted on 10/7/22

in Car Accidents

With so many people on the roads, it’s no surprise that car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. While accidents can happen at any time, there are certain days and times that are particularly dangerous for drivers.  Most Dangerous Time of Day By following these simple…

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Deadliest Highways in Georgia

Posted on 09/15/21

in Car Accidents

As we all know, car accidents cause many severe injuries and deaths each year. In fact, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of injuries and fatalities, and the second leading cause of hospital and emergency room visits in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Transportation reported that more than 1,000 accidents happen in the state…

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5 Common Mistakes People Make After a Car Accident

Posted on 09/2/21

in Car Accidents

Being injured in a car accident can be a very stressful and traumatic experience. It’s not surprising that many people get caught up in the moment and end up saying or doing things that they shouldn’t when they are at the scene of the accident. This is especially true for people who have never been…

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Georgia’s Hands-Free Law: Is It Working?

Posted on 01/29/19

in Blog, Car Accidents

With distracted driving at an all-time high, Georgia’s Hands-Free Law prohibits motorists from holding phones and other devices while driving. That means drivers found with their phone in their hand or touching any part of their body while operating a motor vehicle may be fined. What’s more, at-fault drivers in a distracted driving crash that…

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