Savannah Medical Malpractice LawyerWere you or a loved one harmed because of a doctor’s mistake in Savannah, GA? Medical negligence is a serious problem. If your healthcare provider committed medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and more. An experienced Savannah medical malpractice lawyer at Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers can help you fight for a full financial recovery.

Our attorneys have a 95% success rate in the cases we take on. We’re prepared to put over ten years of experience to work in your case.

Cases involving medical errors can be incredibly difficult to prove. After all, the laws tend to favor doctors and hospitals. Our experienced team can help with any complications you’ll face. To get started, contact our law offices in Savannah, Georgia at (912)-493-7168 for a free consultation.

How Can Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers Help With Your Savannah Medical Malpractice Claim?

How-Can-Bowen-Painter-Injury-Lawyers-Help With Your Savannah Medical Malpractice Claim

It’s no secret that medical negligence cases are complicated. They involve complex legal and medical issues. They also tend to involve powerful defendants who will do whatever they can to escape liability. After all, your doctor will fight hard to protect their reputation. 

At Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers we have the skills and financial resources to handle every aspect of your case. Our Savannah personal injury attorneys have years of trial experience–and we’ve been recognized as some of the top litigators in the area.

When you choose our law firm to represent you, we will:

  • Launch a detailed investigation to find out what happened
  • Determine how the care you received fell below the standard of care
  • Hire medical experts who can provide the affidavits and testimony required by law
  • Locate and subpoena witnesses who can provide more information 
  • Evaluate the range of losses you’ve suffered
  • Reject any lowball settlement deals and negotiate for a fair amount
  • Take your case to trial if necessary to get a fair deal

When you’re ready to learn more, call our Savannah personal injury lawyers to arrange a free consultation. 

What Is Medical Malpractice in Georgia?

All healthcare providers owe patients a legal duty of care. That includes doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants, and even specialists like anesthesiologists and OBG/YNs. 

Under Georgia law, medical providers must exercise a reasonable degree of care and skill. When they fail to exercise the appropriate care and skill, they can be liable for the damage they cause. The medical community itself determines the “degree of care and skill” required. This is known as the “medical standard of care.”

The standard of care varies from case to case, and typically depends on:

  • Your medical condition
  • Your age, general health, and medical history
  • The medical provider’s position and training

In the end, the relevant question is: would a reasonable doctor with the same level of training and expertise have provided the care you received? If the answer is no, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim.

We Handle All Types of Medical Malpractice Cases in Savannah

At Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers, we have the experience to handle any type of medical malpractice claim, including cases involving:

  • Anesthesia errors
  • Surgical errors
  • Medication errors and adverse drug interactions
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Delayed diagnosis
  • Failure to diagnose cancer and other diseases
  • Chemotherapy malpractice
  • Hospital negligence
  • Errors committed by neurologists, cardiologists, oncologists, and other specialists
  • Emergency room errors
  • Birth injuries and OBG/YN negligence
  • Radiology errors
  • Pharmacy errors
  • Mistakes committed by primary physicians 
  • Administrative errors

While not all mistakes rise to the level of malpractice, it’s important to seek legal advice if you even suspect you are a victim. Because this area of law can be so complicated, many victims understandably don’t know whether they have a valid claim. Our team will review your case for free and help you understand your legal options.

How Much Money Is My Savannah Medical Malpractice Case Worth?

Medical errors can take a physical and emotional toll. You may now be struggling with invasive procedures that make it impossible to work. The additional medical care alone can be shockingly expensive.

It’s critical to recover the maximum compensation available if you are a victim of medical negligence. Full compensation ensures you’ll have the money you need for the future. It also serves to hold the negligent healthcare professional accountable.

As our lawyers are assessing your case value, we’ll evaluate any factor that can be relevant, including:

  • The nature of the harm you have suffered
  • The unnecessary trauma you have experienced
  • The nature of the medical provider’s mistake
  • The additional costs you’ve incurred due to the error
  • Whether you’ll make a full recovery or suffer indefinitely
  • How the mistake has impacted your income and future earning ability
  • How your quality of life has suffered

We’ll work closely with you, your doctors, and your family to understand all the ways this mistake has changed your life. 

What Types of Damages Are Available To Victims of Medical Malpractice in Savannah, Georgia?

Victims of medical mistakes can seek compensation for their economic and non-economic damages in Georgia.

Those damages may include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earning potential
  • Nursing assistance
  • In-home care
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Reduced life expectancy
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • PTSD
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring
  • Loss of companionship

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Savannah medical malpractice attorneys for help identifying and documenting your damages.

How Much Does it Cost To Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Savannah, GA?

Our team at Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers works on a contingency fee basis. Instead of upfront fees, you’ll pay a percentage of your settlement or verdict.

Typically, lawyers earn between 33% and 40%. We’ll explain the fee structure during your free case review. That way, you’ll understand the fee arrangement before you decide to hire our team.

Can Shared Fault Impact My Medical Malpractice Case?

Your doctor can’t blame you for the mistakes they made. However, it’s always possible that they’ll try to pin the blame on you in some other way. For example, they could claim you failed to follow instructions, causing your own injuries. They might even blame you for failing to give them important information about your health.

Under Georgia law, you lose your right to compensation if your share of fault is 50% or more. If your acts did make your condition worse, but your share of fault is less than 50%, you can recover partial compensation. 

Victims of Medical Negligence Often Struggle With Severe Long-Term Consequences

Medical mistakes can have a devastating impact on victims.

While all cases are different, some examples of these consequences include:

  • Worsened underlying medical problems
  • A need for more invasive treatment protocols
  • Hospital-acquired infections
  • Loss of mobility 
  • Reduced life expectancy
  • Organ damage
  • Heart attack
  • Internal bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Stroke 
  • Amputations 
  • Sepsis 
  • Shock 
  • Brain damage and cognitive disabilities 
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Not all medical mistakes can be corrected. Victims who suffer permanent or long-term damage often struggle with severe depression. After all, you thought your doctor’s treatment would help with your condition. Instead, you became worse.

Our team at Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers will carefully evaluate both the physical and mental consequences you’re struggling with. When we have a full understanding of your unique experience, we’ll be prepared to fight for the full compensation you need.

What Do I Have To Prove To Win a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Georgia?

Medical malpractice is a type of negligence. To recover compensation, you must prove the legal elements of medical negligence.

To win compensation based on medical malpractice, you must prove:

  • You were the defendant’s patient, so you were owed a legal duty of care
  • The standard of care that you should have received
  • The defendant breached the duty by failing to satisfy the standard of care
  • The healthcare provider’s breach directly caused some type of harm
  • The damages you suffered

Georgia medical malpractice laws require an expert’s affidavit before victims can proceed with a claim. The expert must be a medical professional who is qualified to testify about the level of care you should have received. The affidavit will also explain how the care you actually received deviated from the medical standard.

How Long Do I Have To File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in Georgia?

You generally have two years to file a lawsuit in Georgia. Typically, the two-year statute of limitations starts on the date the medical error occurred. 

Because victims of medical mistakes don’t always realize what’s happened, the statute of limitations is flexible. If you don’t learn about the harm immediately, the clock starts on the date you knew or reasonably should have known that the error occurred.

However, a firm five-year deadline applies regardless of when you learned about the harm you suffered.

Call an Experienced Savannah Medical Malpractice Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation

Georgia medical malpractice laws are notoriously complex. It’s critical to have an experienced Savannah medical malpractice lawyer in your corner from the start. To learn more about how our team at Bowen Painter Injury Lawyers can help, contact us today for a free case review.

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