Savannah Breaches of Fiduciary Duties Attorney

Bankers, investment managers, corporate officers, and, of course, lawyers all have a fiduciary responsibility. Most often, this fiduciary duty is as simple as placing the interests of the client or business ahead of their own. However, self-dealing and breaches of fiduciary duty do happen, and the consequences are often very serious—especially for small businesses and individuals with limited resources. Our Savannah breaches of fiduciary duties Attorney understand these situations and are prepared to pursue these types of claims against even the most powerful, well-funded corporate interests.

Why You Need an Attorney

Investors and other stakeholders take a risk whenever they put their hard-earned capital into someone else’s hands, whether to support an idea or product or simply to diversify their own financial holdings. Not every investment is a winner, but corporate agents have an obligation under the law to try to maximize returns on investment. When a corporate governor acts in a way that harms profitability or is negligent in a way that prevents maximum return, investors have rights under the law they can assert to obtain relief.

Contact Our Savannah Breaches of Fiduciary Duties Lawyers

Bowen Painter Trial Lawyers has been fighting for clients’ rights throughout the coastal regions of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida for years, developing a proven track record of success. Contact our breaches of fiduciary duties lawyers in Savannah today online or call us at (912) 335-1909.